This has nothing to do with my usual topic of crazy people I see at work. However I've been using Blogger now for a while and lately it's pissing me off. So anyone else who uses this website will probably enjoy this post.
First issue: URL
I wanted my URL to be something short and simple "". At work sometimes with 'normal' customers I'll share the link to this blog, which was customerservicecrazycustomers. Writing it out on receipt paper it looks alot longer, and probably off putting to people.
I wanted to change the URL only to find out that its been taken since 2003 and there's only post that says 'hi' that's it. Blogger, if that shit hasn't been used in several years delete it so other people can actually use the URL that someone else has probably totally forgotten about.
Second issue: Not tracking your own page views
You guys at Blogger need to be more specific than "Blogger must add a tracking cookie to your browser" That's like me throwing you on a register for the first time and saying"Go ahead and run this and have fun figuring it out yourself" while you have a line of customers. Can't you give me some actual instructions on how to not track my own views?
I don't want to track my own page views, I doubt when I look at my stats my page views are even accurate.
Blogger, is it to much to ask for you guys to maybe send out an email reminder to the author first and then delete your outdated blogs? Is it to much to ask for you guys to give some instructions on HOW to block my own page views?
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