I've loved the Neurotically Yours series for around 7 years now, but Jonathan Ian Mathers latest video reminded me of the retarded questions people ask me. I just wish I could respond to customers the same as Germaine. I would be fired if I responded to my customers retarded questions the way I really want to.
To be clear this video is not made by me, Neurotically Yours is an incredible series by a genius (and one of my influences) named Jonathan Ian Mathers. Go check out his other amazing work at:
I should introduce his other series in another post. 4Y Records, about a clerk at a record store who says everything I wish I could.
I doubt he would read this but JIMathers, this post is dedicated to you. You're fucking awesome and one of my cynical inspirations.
i just thought i'd let you know that i stumbled upon your blog and was kinda sad to see that there weren't any comments. however, i'd just like to say that i find all of your posts so FREAKING HILARIOUS and has inspired me to start a blog about the crazy crap that happens in my line of work. keep up the posts!