d> Customer Service: Crazy Customers: Pain in the ass

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pain in the ass

A drunk lady comes in and says she wants a blue Philly. Sometimes people confuse the purple grape for blue so I asked if that's what she wanted. She says "I want the blue one are you deaf?" We don't carry 'blue Phillys' so I don't know what the fuck she's talking about. I told her we don't carry that and she gets even more pissed off and says "I said I wanted a Dutch master. Are you trying to be a pain in the ass?" Bitch that is not what you said and now you're giving me an attitude? In my mind I'm saying "fuck you" but as a cashier I'm required to smile and deal with it. It's not worth arguing over and she's clearly intoxicated.

After she left I asked the girl behind her "you heard her say she wanted a Philly right?" yeah she did. But whatever I guess I'm just a pain in the ass.

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