d> Customer Service: Crazy Customers: iPhone email coupons

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

iPhone email coupons

Every once in a while at my store when the receipt prints a coupon will print where you write your email address on it, hand it back to the cashier and a $4 off coupon is emailed to you to be printed out. After one specific customer I always make sure to say that the coupon has to be printed out.

I have an iPhone 3G, I love it. I'm writing this post on it now. I usually write them on here, edit them on my computer when I get home from work and then post them for your lolz.

I had a woman come in with her 10 year old and she had received in her email one of our $4 off coupons ad wanted to use it. Only problem was she was pulling it up on her iPhone. When I told her I couldn't accept it and it needed to be printed out she got very angry with me, saying how this was "fucking bull shit" in front of her kid. That's good parenting lady.
The only way I could have taken that coupon was for us to keep her iPhone as well.
So I guess if you really want your $4 off ma'am I can keep your iPhone in this blue envelope we keep coupons in.
Otherwise tough shit and come back when you've printed it out like it says if you actually read more then the $4 off part of the coupon.

God I wish I could say this stuff to people's faces.

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